Friday, February 21, 2014

Nothing went the way he wanted !

This is one of the most embarrassing situations that I could see them across the Internet.Why I am categorically when I refer to it? I recommend just watching this video and you will figure that out.

The whole adventure takes place in California at the International Martial Arts Competition.The main character is one of the participants in the competition.

This Sensei managed to arouse public amusement with his evolution.When he appeared in front of people with a total professional attitude and fully connected and focused on what's going to make everyone believe that it will follow the best performance.

But this was not exactly like what they expected.They wanted a performance of great in breaking bricks but have seen an funny episode with this sensei in the foreground.

His first attempt to break the bricks was a total failure but the public still trust him and they all thought it was an accident and have encouraged further.

A second attempt to bring the public confirmation that this man does not have anything in common with this competition or he has just a horrible day.He tried to hit with his hand with his elbow but the bricks just didn't want to break.

In the last attempt he just tried to crush the 4 bricks with his knee but the result was same like the others attempts.The audience meanwhile was laughing as they have never done.

We all know that it is not better to give up your dream but sometimes when you see that there's nothing good in what you want to do you definitely need to take a break.

Break bricks though it seems an extremely easy to perform is not so facile. It requires a lot of concentration and a lot of practice and an exemplary self-control when you fail to try to take your revenge on these

1 comment:

  1. this is not funny, im amazed on the man's determination to pursue what he started. although failing, he didnt give up. he still strived and kept trying. i think you will learn a pretty good lesson of trying hard and doing your best here. good example is your "Dream" and "Goals"

    CLAP CLAP SIR! bravo!
