Over the years, Frank Medrano, a new type of body builder, has trained extensively just with his bodyweight, some kind of odd objects, but exclusively he used his own weight in those exercises too.
On his website, he quotes "I strongly believe that The most important aspect to any conditioning program is you" and he is right, if you can't keep up a healthy life, eating healthy food, having a 8 hours a night sleep without going to bed at late hours, without going out and drink up until the morning, regardless of you workout program and equipment you have your life in hand if you don't plan it accordingly with your values, you won't be able to be fit or even do a long term plan with your life.
So what's with all the fuss with this type of training lately? Why does he got over 12 MILLION views in less than 4 months?
Well let's check it out and see what he does:
Don't start big, with hard exercises, try some easy ones at first, up until you get in hand with them and after that, give it a try in some harder ones.
As I stated before, so does Frank demonstrates us, he started simple(for him) and after that grew in intensity and hardship of exercise, at first he wasn't eager to do his most difficult exercise, he grew in intensity of the workout, pacing from easy ones to more difficult and in the middle end of his training session, he goes into doing his most skilled exercises which take his most power in order to get them over.
Watch his video that I've posted on top of the page and see how he operates his training and if you get inspired by him, let us know what type of exercises you would like to try and we'll chat over with you in giving some opinions.
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