Thursday, February 20, 2014

This girl is an example of ambition and determination

In life one of the most important things is to believe in what you are no matter the obstacles you  encounter.sometimes believing in yourself means more than a defect or impediment in what you want to accomplish.

The images below are besides simple dance more a life lesson.Why do I think this?It's very simple girl in spite of difficulties they encounter because they pretty robust physique manages to give a lesson to all performing a dance scincron hard enough.

The partner chosen in the execution of this dance is none other than her fitness teacher who engaged in this girl's desire to succeed great things despite the difficulties.She did so to give a lesson to all those who have not trusted that she laughed her physical qualities.

The song chosen to perform this dance was that of Jason Derulo - Talk dirty to me. This is her favorite song so could not fit better.

Another conclusion that can be drawn from this life lesson because I would not call it just a video is that not always talent counts. Ambition and determination can take you to the desired results despite a lack of talent that do not have  in the field or in performing what you want to succeed.

Worldwide over the last centuries there were great stories to prove the truth of these two words, namely ambition and determination.There really is a story of some of the most popular personalities in history that nobody believed but which themselves have not given up.

We've all heard of Albert Einstein, Michael Jordan, Thomas Edison and many others but we do not know it that no one trusted them even they were classified totally untalented in the areas were to succeed later.

For example, Einstein did not speak until age four years, did not read up to seven years and was expelled from school.Michael Jordan was fired in high school basketball team that was part of the reason it was no-talent and later became the greatest basketball player of all time

So the best advice that's good for us to follow is that we should never give up.

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