Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The detonation of an atomic bomb in the ocean

One of the greatest discoveries in the field of arms and ammunition of the 20th century is definitely famous atomic bomb. One of those who contributes to the discovery of the bomb could only be the planet's greatest physicist Albert Einstein.

The atomic bomb known as the nuclear weapon is probably the most dangerous device for the existence of the human race. Devastating effect it can easily delete almost the entire population of the planet in the event of a nuclear war.

In this video we clear example of how devastating the impact of such an explosion. Even if the experiment is done in the open ocean at a depth effect is very impressive even at the surface.

Even if the image appears only great cloud of water created in the explosion that hits the ship located far away from the place of explosion because the rest of the effects were much larger. One of these effects is flooding an island that was hundreds of miles away.

As a curiosity in the entire planet in 2013 was situated about a total of 20,000 such atomic devices. 4500 of them were ready at any moment to be part of a possible nuclear war could break out worldwide. Tested the first atomic bomb explosion in history had the impact of approximately 20,000 tons of trinitrotoluene.

In the history of atomic bombs have been used only twice against the human race more precisely at the end of the Second World War. When the United States intervened atomic means against two of the largest Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Efectele au fost atat de devastatoare atat cele pe termen scurt cat si cele pe termen lung incat de atunci nu s-a mai folosit aceste arme impotriva populatiei.

Gandindu-ne doar la cate sute de mii de oameni au murit atunci si la cate alte milioane au avut de suferit datorita radiatiilor ni se face pielea gaina si nu puten sa ne imaginam ce s-ar intampla daca acestea ar fi utilizate inca o data.

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